Event “Integração Berlin 2023” // 18.-21.05.2023
Anmeldung & Programm/ Registration & Programm click here Eventvideo click here / hier klicken / clique aqui Das Event “Integração Berlin 2023” // 18.-21.05.2023 bedeutet auch in diesem Jahr
11 Jahre Capoeira Raiz Berlin/Integração 2018
11 Jahre Capoeira Raiz Berlin/Integração 2018 This year we will celebrate the 11 years of the group Capoeira Raiz here in Berlin! Eventadresse / address: Richardplatz 14, 12055 Berlin-Neukölln Directions:
Integração 2015 in Berlin
Integração 2015 in Berlin We invite you all to join our traditional Capoeira encontro Integração on 14th – 17th Mai 2015 @Flatow-Halle, Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 1, 10997 Berlin, Germany
Capoeira Workshop Integração in Berlin
Capoeira Workshop Integração in Berlin Our traditional yearly Capoeira workshop from 29th Mai to 1st June 2014 at sports hall in Lobeckstraße 63, 10969 Berlin