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Capoeira classes for beginners and advanced people für Teens and Adults ( minimum age 12) with Mestre Bailarino. 2nd floor “Saal”

Kindertraining für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, jeden Mittwoch mit Graduado Espantalho ( Ricardo Oliveira). Probetraining mit vorheriger Anmeldung möglich:+49(0)15225775174 Come and join the fun! Kindertraining for kids aged 6 and

Let's Play Berlin 2024

Let’s Play is an event, where we want to play as much Capoeira as possible with as many different people as possible. This year we will have only a few

Capoeira Unterricht für Anfänger*innen und Fortgeschrittene jeden Alters mit Professora Gataamarela. Capoeira Classes for you independent of Capoeira or Fitnesslevel, Age or Language with Professora Gataamarela.

Let's play Capoeira 2024

Register here for “Let’s play Berlin 02.-04.12.2022”

Dear ICR friends, Time to register! Please use the link below: We really look forward to having you with us. Join and bring your valuable Axé! Many thanks. P.

Kids Flyer & Kontakt

EVENT DETAILS: Capoeira für Kinder ab 8 Jahren am Richardplatz/Richardgrundschule Capoeira for kids from 8 years and older at Richardplatz/Richardgrundschule Dieses Angebot richtet sich ausschliesslich an Kinder ab 8 Jahren.

Let’s play – Capoeira Raiz Berlin Convidadxs: Estagario 2 Banana – Unicar Estagario 2 Bacana – Unicar Mestre Gege – Nossa Filosofia Contramestre Puxinho – Capoeira Raiz Contramestre Ganso –

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